About Kat Shepherd

Kat Shepherd is a working actor and attorney, currently active in Washington DC and Virginia. To contact her, use the form below.

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Alongside her acting career, Kathryn Ballentine Shepherd is a writer and an AV-rated attorney, and her private practice has long been known for complex cases involving intensive discovery and litigation. She has published two books and other articles covering pretrial procedures, trial preparation, and application of the Federal Commerce Clause (click here to read a sample article). Her career began in antitrust law with San Francisco’s Pillsbury Madison Sutro (now Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, one of the world’s leading firms), and continued in litigation as a named partner in the firm of Krause Baskin Ballentine.  In her own successful solo family law practice, she was known as a top divorce lawyer in California, handling many celebrity and appellate cases.

KBS with Justice Ginsburg
Kat with Notorious RBG, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Chief Justice John Roberts chuckling over cocktails at the Court, as Kat reminds him of his BlackBerry addiction when he arrived in 2005
Justice Antonin Scalia, Kat Shepherd, Supreme Court of the United States
Kat with Justice Antonin Scalia at the Supreme Court
Justice Sam Alito with Kat Shepherd
Kat with Justice Sam Alito, at Shakespeare Theater Company’s annual “Mock Trial” on the case of Coriolanus
Kat featured (center left, blond head just beneath The Chief) in the official Court Artist’s sketch on the last Opinion Day of the 2018-2019 term

In 2003 Kat moved to Washington DC, and for more than a decade she has served at the U.S. Supreme Court as a docent in the Curator’s Office, giving public lectures on the history of the Court and its Justices. She and her husband Lewis previously owned and restored Virginia’s historic Mahockney Plantation.

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